
Why choose microcannula liposuction in autologous breast augmentation?

Why choose microcannula liposuction in autologous breast augmentation

1. Small clumps have high survival rates.
When extracting fat, it is obtained in small diameters. Small clumps of fat cells have higher survival rates. If clumps are too large, the cells at the center point are unlikely to survive because they cannot get enough nutrients, thus the poorer overall survival rate.
Even if extracted in large clumps, it is difficult to separate the fibers between the fat cells by physical means. If too much force is exerted, the pressure during squeezing is also likely to cause cell damage.

2. Mildness- Fat tissues are maintained in their best condition during the extraction process.
Stem cells play a very important role in the long-term survival of fat tissues. Stem cells are regulated by some signal proteins, able to control stem cell performance and maintain their high degree of autologous renewal and differentiation ability. If the microscopic environment surrounding the stem cells is denatured due to the stimulation of heat and chemicals, the stem cells’ differentiation and specialization ability will diminish or even change, leading to diminished regeneration ability. Therefore, the author avoided using liposuction devices that generated heat in order to maintain fat tissues in their best condition during the extraction process.

If the microscopic environment surrounding the stem cells is denatured due to the stimulation of heat and chemicals, the stem cells’ differentiation and specialization ability will diminish or even change, leading to diminished regeneration ability.

3. Team-It takes a cell team to regenerate fat tissues. Single cells alone cannot complete the task.
There are various cells in fat tissues, such as mature fat cells, precursor fat cells, fat stem cells, fibroblasts, epithelial precursor cells, etc. that interact to achieve tissue regeneration. The size of mature fat cells varies greatly from that of other cells. The author avoided using highly selective liposuction aids, such as ultrasonic vibration with a relatively uniform frequency and relative susceptibility to cell selectivity problems.

4. Enough fat can be obtained even for thin girls.
experience tells me thinner girls have higher autologous breast augmentation needs. In other words, doctors often are faced with the challenge of finding enough fat from thin girls without causing excessive indentation.

In my opinion, the more relaxing a person is during the breast augmentation postoperative recovery period, the better, so as not to extensively traumatizing the body. Therefore, if a whole-body liposuction is done just to obtain enough fat, the person involved will have a hard time during the recovery period. Microcannula liposuction is characterized by the extraction of fat in a relative volume due to the small diameter. Because of this feature, there is no need for an overly large area and that even for extremely thin girls, enough fat can be obtained.

LIPRO Unique Characteristics of Microcannula Liposuction

No compression garments,Small Incision,Quick Recovery,
No downtime,return ro work immediately,No general anesthesia
Smooth Contour,Supple skin

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The content above is the clients personal experience and is shared with their consent. It only represents the effect of their treatment. All surgical procedure has inherent risks; only basic knowledge about the procedures are provided to the readers. Treatment may not be suitable for everyone; please consult with our doctor in person to determine whether or not to proceed with treatment. All preoperative and postoperative photos are used by the doctor to assist the patient in understanding the treatment.